Allison Lee
Smallholding Correspondent
1:00 AM 25th January 2025
All The Gear, No Idea!
![Allison Lee]()
Allison Lee
It has to be said that having a smallholding is hard work. It is a relentless, twenty-four-seven, round-the-clock responsibility. Even if we want a lie-in or a last-minute weekend away, we simply can’t. There is always work to be done, stables to muck out, animals to feed and water, fences to repair, sheep to shear, chicken coops to clean, hay, straw, and feed to collect; the list goes on, and it is endless. So why, then, do we do it? Unlike farmers, smallholders rarely make a living off their land; many, if they are lucky, just about cover the costs of the feed and vet bills. However, there is more to life than making money and living on a smallholding has to be, in my opinion, one of the best lifestyles.
Yes, it is a hard work, yes, it is expensive feeding animals, and yes, at times, it can be exhausting, draining and down-right upsetting, but the highs most definitely outweigh the lows, and this is why I do it.
I have sometimes been called a ‘hobby farmer’, and the term probably hasn’t been used to describe me in an affectionate way; however, I don’t take exception to people’s opinions of me. I suppose, in a way, my smallholding is a hobby; however, I do not look at it as being any less rewarding, satisfying or hard work than any other type of farmer. I may not have acres and acres of land or care for hundreds of sheep or cattle that the public relies on for their food sources, so, on that level, yes, I am a ‘hobby farmer’; however, like most farmers, I care deeply for my animals and understand the full scale of the responsibility I have taken on.
When I first began smallholding about six years ago, I knew absolutely nothing. Other than owning a pet dog, I had never cared for any other animal. Six years is a long time when you are learning every single day, and it has certainly been a learning curve! I have laughed and cried, experienced immense joy, and suffered unbearable sadness, but I would not swap my lifestyle for any other.
Despite learning a lot, things can still be testing, and life is never boring. Last year, I decided to begin writing a series of books about my life on the smallholding. The books titled
All the Gear, No Idea! are entertaining, amusing and honest and contain anecdotes of my life caring for animals and creating a smallholding to be proud of. The books are written with everyone in mind, be it likeminded smallholders desperate to know they are not the only ones with kamikaze goats who wake up every morning with new ideas of how to escape and wreak havoc on the countryside to those wanting to start a smallholding or people who simply enjoy the antics of animals from the warmth and comfort of their homes without actually wanting to make it their reality.
All the Gear, No Idea! books one and two are now available from Amazon or Blossom Spring Publishing, and I would be very interested to hear what readers think about the series!
You can find Allison on Instagram countryliving_writer or visit her website here