Yorkshire Times
Weekend Edition
1:00 AM 10th February 2024

Can You Solve These Valentine's Day Brainteasers?

Whether you’re eager to impress on a first date, rekindling an old romance or toasting a happy long-term relationship with your partner, picking an outfit for Valentine’s Day can be a stressful affair.

And in an ode to the day of love, QUIZ has created and shared a tricky new brainteaser, challenging readers to find the hidden love notes in the messy bedroom scene above.

YOU’VE GOT MAIL: Only a genius can spot the TWO hidden love letters in this cluttered wardrobe

Hidden within this room filled with mountains of clothes, handbags and shoes are TWO envelopes sealed with love hearts. Can you spot them?

And according to the company, even the sharpest of minds struggle with this one. On average, it takes 30 seconds to locate the hidden letters – and two out of five people can only find one!

CONCEALED WITH A KISS: Only those with 20/20 vision can spot the hidden love heart in 32 seconds or less! Can YOU?

With Valentine's Day on the horizon, love is in the air, and couples across the UK may be gearing up for a night of glamour and romance with their special someone.

Whether you're rocking a fresh hairdo or experimenting with a Valentine's Day-inspired makeup look, the goal is to feel your best on the day of love!

To celebrate the occasion, hair and beauty professionals, Capital Hair and Beauty have created a tricky Valentine’s Day-themed brainteaser. Amongst the different shades of red, pink and purple lipstick imprints hides a missing love heart – can you find it?

The average time to find the heart is 32 seconds – but be warned, 1 in 5 gave up entirely!

Still not spotted it?

Don’t worry! The solution to the puzzles lie below…

Still struggling to solve the puzzles? Scroll down for the big reveal…

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