Jeremy Williams-Chalmers
Arts Correspondent
10:24 AM 1st September 2024
Getting Lost But Having Fun In Lichfield's Maize Maze
![Calum and Skye]()
Calum and Skye
Spread over 10 acres and boasting more than 1,000,000 maize plants, Lichfield's Maize Maze has built a reputation as one of the UK's finest Maize Mazes. An award winning family attraction, it has diversified in recent years, with pumpkins and sunflowers becoming seasonal focuses of the family run project that is easily accessible on the A5 on the outer edge of Lichfield. With Maize Mazes proving increasingly popular the country over, we decided to head down to see whether the activity is worth all the hype.
And the very easy answer to that is YES! Aged 3 and 7, my two were a little baffled but excited by the prospect of exploring a Maize Maze, although there was also a sense of fear from my eldest, who had previously got very lost in a maze he had done with a friend, where they took all the wrong turnings into every possible dead end! Reassured that with Daddy's assistance we would not get lost, we turned off the A5 into the beautiful setting with my fingers firmly crossed.
Greeted immediately upon arrival by a very friendly member of the Lichfield Maize Maze team, we were advised to start with the mini maize and work up to the main maze. However, with old school games set out across the green space in front of us, it was clear the maze would have to wait a little while...
![Our intrepid dad]()
Our intrepid dad
Having jumped on hay bales, played in the sand and attempted to drive the toy trucks, my two were finally ready for our first quest. With their packs in hand and stickers at the ready, we made our way through the turtle shaped maze with only one wrong turn! They were impressed! Not by Daddy's apparent map skills, but by the height of the maize around them and the fact they could run ahead and skip to their hearts delight in a rather magical setting.
Having conquered the first of the mazes, it was time for a snack break. While I indulged in a rather tasty slice of Victoria Sponge from the on-site coffee station, Poms, my children opted for early lunches. Calum was very impressed by his Focaccia Pizza, while Skye's children's lunch box was impressively packed and superb value for money.
Refuelled and after a further play on the green space, it was time to take on the BIG challenge! With 10 pit stops to make along the way, we had our map ready and set off. With my shorter legged one running out of fuel, there were handy bench breaks built into the design and Daddy's shoulders also proved a handy rest spot. With a raised viewing deck along the route and numerous twists and turns, my two prided themselves on us not losing our way and our ability to point others in the right direction when they had missed the vital sticker driven check points.
With a real sense of reward when making it through to the end, my two ended up quickly making friends on the sand space, meaning I had some well earned coffee time, before joining them for some fun and games.
Having thought our trip may last a couple of hours, we managed to easily while away nearly five hours, before cutting down our own sunflower to take home as a rather pretty souvenir.
Lichfield Maize Maze proved itself a rather wholesome and healthy day aside (having walked a fair few miles, we will discount the tasty cake indulgence...) With a resounding 10/10 awarded by my children and my daughter already talking about our next visit, we would highly recommend a day's adventure.