Yorkshire Times
A Voice of the Free Press
4:00 AM 30th November 2021

Tackling eWaste One Sustainable Tech Purchase At A Time.

In the aftermath of COP26, consumers and organisations are increasingly looking for new ways to reduce their impact on the environment. Harrogate based, sustainable IT solutions specialist, Techbuyer proactively helps organisations and individuals do less harm to the environment, proving that with only a few slight changes to your buying attitude it is possible to be more sustainable with your tech purchases this Black Friday!

Their “Green is the New Black” campaign launched mid-November and highlights the devastating impact Black Friday deals have on the environment and our planet.
Techbuyer is an IT solutions provider based in Harrogate in North Yorkshire and with facilities around the globe. With an unshakeable focus on sustainability and the establishment of a circular IT economy, the company is changing mindsets and habits around the world this Black Friday.

Techbuyer is drawing attention to the impact of purchasing new technology on our planet over Black Friday and the festive period. Whilst discounted prices on technology are appealing, it’s important we truly understand the costs involved.

The Cost of eWaste

The shipping, manufacturing, and eventual disposal of new technology over Black Friday is devastating to the environment. Technology manufacturing centres are massive producers of carbon emissions; the average CO2 production to manufacture a laptop sits around 331kgs per device!

With over 53 million tonnes of technology expected to be purchased between Black Friday and Christmas this year, a staggering 44 million tonnes of e-waste will be produced once these devices reach the end of their lives.

This future e-waste will enter our waste streams or be shipped to third world countries, adding to an already intensifying problem within our environment.

How is Techbuyer Changing Perceptions?

Armed with the knowledge of how creating, purchasing and the poor disposal of new technology is harming our planet, Techbuyer is advocating and encouraging a change in attitude around second hand and refurbished technology.

The "Green is the New Black” campaign was launched over the Black Friday period. It draws attention to how Black Friday damages our environment and offers solutions to choose a more sustainable stance when it comes to your tech.

The campaign highlights how we can reduce our carbon footprint through the technology we choose to invest in and addresses how we can responsibly dispose of technology.

The company has conducted extensive research into the performance of refurbished technology. Through a research partnership with the University of East London, Techbuyer undertook a 2-year study. Hundreds of hours of experiments and one peer-reviewed IEEE paper later, this study proved that refurbished technology performs as well as new. Their research destroys the myth that second hand is of lesser quality in the tech industry and even demonstrates that with the right upgrades, you can get high performing technology that outperforms

1/3 Britons are unaware of how to properly dispose of their used or excess technology in a responsible way. This campaign offers information and options for sustainable IT disposal to help increase the amount of technology that is properly dealt with at the end of life.