Yorkshire Times
A Voice of the Free Press
7:29 PM 8th July 2019

Go Wild, Get Buzzing, Start Snapping!

Enter the microscopic world of wildflowers, bees and butterflies

Youth Patron of the Wild Watch and wildlife blogger, Zach Haynes, is inviting young explorers to put the ‘smart’ in smartphones.

Zach is inviting five to 11-year-olds to become ‘Pollinator Paparazzi’ in his wildlife photography workshops. He’ll be using smartphone cameras to teach wildlife photography skills. Zach was awarded funding from Kew Gardens’ Grow Wild scheme to run the project alongside The Wild Watch, focussing on native flowers.

Zach said:
“There’s nothing like being in nature, and photographing it up close, to really fall in love with it. The more we love it, the more we’ll protect and save it. Pollinators like bees are nature’s superheroes – without them we wouldn’t have food most children would hate to live without – like chocolate! In all seriousness, our world and wildlife depend on them. I really hope these sessions will help inspire a life-long love for nature in the children who attend. I can’t wait to enthuse them!”

Zach, 15, was a BBC Wildlife Magazine Young Blogger of the Year and recipient of the Unsprung Hero Award from BBC Springwatch.

The teenager will teach other children how to develop skills in wildlife photography, using bespoke clip on lenses to get up close to flowers and pollinators. The lenses will be provided during the workshops.

With more than 50% of species in decline across the UK, the Wild Watch is working in Nidderdale AONB to educate, inspire and promote a love of wild things and the natural world. It is currently conducting its biggest ever wildlife survey to inform future conservation strategies. The Wild Watch is supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

The free workshops are suitable for 5-11 year olds, who must be accompanied by an adult. Please bring outdoor clothing and a smartphone.

Pollinator Paparazzi is hosted on Monday 5 August and on Monday 12 August, 2-3.30pm, at High Batts Nature Reserve, Ripon, HG4 3HS.

The event is free but please book your place online at