Yorkshire Times
Weekend Edition
3:00 AM 7th December 2022

Christmas Spotlight: Claire Mason

As we near the end of a landmark year following the gradual return to ‘normality’ post-Covid, we grab 60 seconds with Claire Mason, general manager at water leak detection specialist Waterguard, in an exclusive Yorkshire Times reflection on 2022…

1. After a difficult time for many businesses during the pandemic, what was your primary objective at the start of the year?

Procuring electrical components amid the supply chain shortages – onset by the pandemic – as well as tackling longer lead times, and modifying our products to suit evolving customer needs.

2. Looking back on 2022, what have been the 3 biggest highlights for Waterguard?

1. Delivering product innovations across our various leak detectors
2. Increasing our partner portfolio to drive a more enhanced customer experience
3. Returning to in-person exhibitions to showcase our expertise

3. And the most difficult challenge for your business?

The ongoing supply chain uncertainties and keeping our prices competitive, whilst adhering to client budgets.

4. If you had to sum up 2022 in one word, which would you use?


5. What’s Waterguard’s key goal for next year?

To strengthen our partner relationships, as well as develop valuable new ones that will bolster our service offering even further.

6. Name another northern firm that hope will have an outstanding year in 2023…

G A Assembly Ltd. – a manufacturer of some of our control panels, that is integral to our operations.

7. How do you think the regional business climate will fare overall?

Barnsley has had a significant boost in town centre footfall, so I’m optimistic to see some further investments plugged on both a local and regional level.

8. It’s perhaps the first opportunity to celebrate a ‘real’ Christmas post-Covid – what will it look like for you?

There’s eight of us this year, and dinner will be hosted at my house. That means I prepare and cook the veg, and the guests have to tackle the turkey. I have two children, so there’ll be lots of presents too!

9. What’s the worst Christmas gift you’ve ever been given?

An engagement ring. It was long time ago – and I was very young and foolish!

10. Describe Christmas at your house, in three words:

Joyful, happy, and cosy.